Facebook submitted a patent application in 2016, showing a pop up asking users to pay $2, appearing when a user adds a URL to the caption.
Instagram will soon Charge a Fee to put URLs in Photo Captions
When the system will detect that the caption includes any links etc, it will ask the user to pay for it. Here’s how it will work according to the application patent: “If the online system detects the text content of the caption includes a string of link text identifying an address, the online system prompts the posting user to pay a fee in exchange for generating a link.” Instagram already restricts users when they want to include a link to the story, product, or anything else. Users were not happy about it and were asking Instagram to provide this capability. Users have to go to the “link in bio” route, to add links to Stories however only verified users are able to do it. However, it remains a mystery whether influencers would be able to pay this amount or not and people were expecting free link inclusion to their posts. However, if this decision goes into effect, Instagram would be easily able to generate a big amount of revenue. Moreover, it’s just a patent so not confirmed whether this decision will come to action or not. So you will have to wait for more time to hear about it from the company. Let’s wait and watch. Also Read: Now Get Paid for Deactivating Facebook or Instagram Accounts