Now you can select who from your contact list can see your Profile Photo, About, and Last Seen status. For more information follow this link: — WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) June 15, 2022 There is now a fourth option titled “My contacts except…” With this new feature, you can prevent specific contacts from seeing your profile photo, about, and Last seen status. It is worth noting that if you choose to hide your Last seen status from others, you will also be unable to see theirs. To test it out, go to the app’s settings, then Account, then Privacy, and then tap on the desired personal information you want to hide. The new My contacts option should be available here as well. You can select the contacts with whom you do not want to share all of this information from that menu. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to see the online status of contacts who can’t see your Last seen status. WhatsApp announced this week that it is also introducing new group call features. The app now allows you to mute or message specific people on a call.